PM Modi Announces Increased Haj Quota and Eased Visa Rules at Aligarh Rally

Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh – Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing a public rally in Aligarh, made significant announcements regarding the Haj quota for Indian Muslims.

The Prime Minister stated that earlier, due to a limited Haj quota, there used to be a lot of disputes and instances of bribery. Only the influential people would get the chance to go to Haj. To address this issue, PM Modi said he had requested the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to increase the Haj quota for Indian Muslims.

“Today, not only has India’s Haj quota increased, but visa rules have also been made easier,” said PM Modi, highlighting the efforts of his government to facilitate the pilgrimage for Indian Muslims.

In addition to the increased quota, the government has also taken a crucial decision to allow Muslim women to go for Haj without a Mehram (a male relative with whom marriage is forbidden). This move is seen as a significant step towards empowering Muslim women and promoting gender equality.

“I am being blessed by thousands of sisters whose dream of going for Haj has been fulfilled,” the Prime Minister added, expressing his satisfaction over the positive impact of these changes.

These announcements come at a time when Uttar Pradesh is gearing up for the upcoming elections, and are likely to influence the political dynamics in the state.

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