PM Modi Challenges Opposition’s Commitment to Nation in Karimnagar Address

Telangana – In a recent public meeting held in Karimnagar, Telangana, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the opposition parties, Congress and BRS. The Prime Minister accused both parties of prioritizing family interests over national interests.

“BJP always works on the ‘nation first’ policy whereas Congress and BRS work on the principle of ‘family first’,” Modi said. He further criticized the parties for being family-centric, stating, “Their political parties are like ‘by the family, for the family, of the family’.”

The Prime Minister did not stop at family politics. He went on to draw parallels between Congress and BRS, stating that corruption, appeasement politics, and a model of zero governance are the common threads that connect these two parties.

Modi’s comments come at a time when the political landscape of the country is charged with upcoming elections. His remarks are seen as a direct challenge to the opposition parties, questioning their commitment to the nation.

The BJP, under Modi’s leadership, has consistently positioned itself as a party that puts the nation first. This latest address reinforces that narrative, drawing a clear line between the BJP’s approach to governance and that of the opposition parties.

As the political battle heats up, it remains to be seen how the Congress and BRS will respond to these allegations. For now, the gauntlet has been thrown, and the nation watches on as the drama unfolds.

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