Rajasthan Assembly to Go Paperless: ‘One Nation One Application’ to be Implemented

RAJASTHAN – In a significant move towards digitalization, the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly is set to become paperless. The Speaker of the Assembly, Vasudev Devnani, announced the decision to implement the ‘One Nation One Application’ initiative, which is already in effect in several other states.

The initiative is aimed at streamlining the legislative process by digitizing all paperwork and making information readily available to all Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). “We have decided to implement ‘One Nation One Application’ in Rajasthan as well,” said Devnani.

The decision comes after a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between three parties – NeVA (National e-Vidhan Application), the Central Government, and the Rajasthan Government. The MoU signifies a joint commitment to transform the legislative process through the use of technology.

As part of the initiative, each MLA will have a computer and a screen placed in front of them inside the Parliament. This will enable them to access all necessary documents and information digitally, eliminating the need for physical paperwork.

Devnani expressed optimism about the move, stating that it would make all works digital and the Assembly would be paperless from now on. The initiative is expected to increase efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and promote transparency in the legislative process.

The implementation of ‘One Nation One Application’ in Rajasthan marks a significant step towards the digitalization of legislative assemblies across the country. It sets a precedent for other states to follow, pushing India further along the path of digital transformation.

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