PM Modi Criticizes Punjab Government at Gurdaspur Rally

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a public rally held in Gurdaspur, Punjab, launched a scathing attack on the current Punjab government. He accused the state government of being governed by “remote control” and claimed that the “Durbaris of Delhi” were in charge.

Unfortunately, Punjab is being governed via remote control. The Durbaris of Delhi are governing Punjab,” said PM Modi, addressing the crowd. He further alleged that the Chief Minister of Punjab was unable to make independent decisions.

“The CM of Punjab cannot make a single decision on his own,” he added, implying that the state’s governance was heavily influenced by external forces. He went on to claim that the Chief Minister had to visit Tihar Jail to receive instructions on running his government.

The CM had to go to Tihar Jail to take new orders to run his government,” PM Modi stated, raising questions about the integrity of the state’s leadership.

The Prime Minister also hinted at a crackdown on corruption post June 1st, suggesting that those involved in corrupt practices would be put behind bars. He questioned the functionality of the Punjab government under such circumstances.

After 1st June, the corrupt will go to jail again. Will the Punjab government function from the jail again?” he asked, leaving the audience to ponder over the future of governance in Punjab.

The rally ended with PM Modi’s call for a stronger, more independent Punjab, free from the influence of external forces. The statements made by the Prime Minister have stirred up a political storm, with reactions pouring in from various quarters.

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