Prime Minister Modi Advocates 25-Year National Mission Following Meditation Retreat

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, returning from a reflective 45-hour meditation retreat in Kanniyakumari, outlined a transformative vision for India’s future during his flight back to Delhi, proposing a 25-year national mission aimed at fostering enduring progress.

At the serene setting of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Modi immersed himself in meditation, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and his visionary concept of “Bharat Mata.” Reflecting on Vivekananda’s call in 1897 to dedicate 50 years to the nation, which ultimately led to India’s independence in 1947, Modi now urges dedicating the next quarter-century to propel India’s development to new heights.

In his reflective note titled “New Sankalp from Sadhana” (new resolutions from reflections), Modi shared insights gained during his meditation, emphasizing the importance of detachment and deep contemplation on the nation’s future trajectory.

Kanniyakumari, where rivers converge with the sea, symbolizes India’s unity in diversity, according to Modi. He also paid tribute to Tamil poet-saint Thiruvalluvar, praising his timeless work, the Thirukkural, as a cultural gem of the Tamil language.

Delving into India’s rich heritage as a repository of wisdom, Modi underscored the ethos of “Idam-na-mama” or “this is not mine,” highlighting India’s tradition of sharing its knowledge with the world. He cited India’s selfless assistance to other nations during the COVID-19 pandemic as a manifestation of this ethos.

Modi’s call for a 25-year national mission signifies a renewed commitment to India’s progress and prosperity. As the nation faces multifaceted challenges, Modi’s vision underscores the imperative of unity, spirituality, and forward-thinking strategies to shape a brighter future for generations to come.

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