Bhajanlal Government’s First Quarter: A Progress Report

JAIPUR – Today, the Bhajanlal administration celebrates its three-month anniversary. The journey began with the swearing-in of the Chief Minister and the conversion of the election manifesto into a policy blueprint.

The government has emphasized its commitment to long-term strategic planning. A landmark achievement has been the signing of MOUs in the power sector, amounting to over two lakh crore, a first in the state’s history.

Water management has seen a paradigm shift with the signing of MOUs related to ERCP and Yamuna water. This development is a significant boon for the common people of the state.

The government has pledged to prioritize the future of the youth, ensuring their development and security. This commitment signals an end to any potential compromise on the prospects of the younger generation.

In a bid to curb crime, an Anti-Gangster Task Force was set up, leading to the arrest of over 10,000 criminals across various categories. In a move to tackle corruption, the government has removed the mandatory requirement for CBI permission, signaling a strong stance against corruption.

These developments underscore the Bhajanlal government’s dedication to strategic planning, youth empowerment, crime reduction, and anti-corruption initiatives.

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