CM Bhajanlal Sharma to Move in Traffic Like a Common Man: No More VIP Privileges

CM Bhajanlal Sharma to Move in Traffic Like a Common Man

Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma of Rajasthan has decided to break away from the traditional VIP culture. He will now navigate traffic just like any ordinary citizen, without the special privileges that have long been associated with VVIP movement.

What’s Changing?

  • No More VIP Arrangements: CM Bhajanlal Sharma’s convoy will no longer enjoy special treatment during his movements. Gone are the days when traffic would come to a standstill to accommodate the Chief Minister’s passage.
  • Stopping at Red Signals: When the traffic light turns red, Chief Minister Sharma’s convoy will halt at intersections just like any other vehicle. This decision aims to promote equality and ensure that the common public is not inconvenienced due to VIP movements.

This decision is expected to bring relief to commuters who often faced traffic jams during VIP movements. Previously, traffic disruptions caused inconvenience to serious patients and others who needed timely access to medical facilities. By adopting a more egalitarian approach, CM Bhajanlal Sharma hopes to alleviate such issues.

While the Chief Minister will now move like an ordinary citizen, he will continue to receive security cover befitting his position. The state’s Director General of Police, U R Sahoo, confirmed that security protocols would remain in place to safeguard the Chief Minister.

This move reflects a commitment to transparency, accessibility, and a departure from the age-old VIP culture. Rajasthan residents can now expect smoother traffic flow and fewer disruptions during official movements.

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