Gukesh D Becomes Youngest-Ever Winner of FIDE Candidates: PM Modi Expresses Pride

In a historic achievement for Indian chess, Gukesh D has become the youngest-ever player to win the FIDE Candidates Tournament. The news has been met with jubilation in India, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi leading the congratulations.

In a tweet, PM Modi said, “India is exceptionally proud of Gukesh D on becoming the youngest-ever player to win the FIDE Candidates. Gukesh’s remarkable achievement at the Candidates in Toronto showcases his extraordinary talent and dedication. His outstanding performance and journey to the top inspires millions.”

Gukesh’s victory is a testament to his hard work, talent, and dedication to the game of chess. His achievement at such a young age is a source of inspiration for millions of budding chess players in India and around the world.

The FIDE Candidates Tournament, held in Toronto, is one of the most prestigious events in the chess calendar. Winning this tournament not only brings prestige but also a chance to challenge for the World Chess Championship.

Gukesh’s victory has put him in the spotlight as a promising contender for the World Chess Championship. His journey to the top has been marked by a series of impressive performances, demonstrating his exceptional talent and dedication to the game.

As India celebrates this historic achievement, Gukesh’s victory serves as a reminder of the country’s growing prowess in the world of chess. It also underscores the potential of young talent in India and the impact of nurturing this talent for achieving global recognition.

Prime Minister Modi’s tweet reflects the nation’s pride in Gukesh’s achievement and the hope that his victory will inspire more young Indians to pursue their passion and excel in their chosen fields.

As Gukesh D continues his journey in the world of chess, his achievement at the FIDE Candidates Tournament will be remembered as a milestone in Indian chess history.

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