Major Gold Seizure at Churu Railway Station: Two Arrested.

Major Gold Seizure at Churu Railway Station: Two Arrested.

the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) of Rajasthan has seized gold biscuits worth approximately Rs 2.68 crore from Churu Railway Station. The total weight of the seized gold is 4 kg 200 grams.

The DRI team arrested two individuals who had smuggled the gold from Kolkata to Rajasthan. The gold was found in the form of biscuits, a common method used by smugglers to transport the precious metal.

Operation Details

The operation was conducted at Churu Railway Station, a major railway junction in the state of Rajasthan. The DRI team acted on specific intelligence inputs about the smuggling operation.

Upon inspection, the team discovered the gold biscuits concealed in the luggage of the two individuals. The gold was immediately seized, and the individuals were taken into custody.

The Value of the Seized Gold

The seized gold is estimated to be worth about Rs 2.68 crore. This significant seizure highlights the ongoing efforts of the DRI to curb illegal smuggling activities.

Legal Proceedings

The two arrested individuals are currently under investigation. They will be prosecuted under the Customs Act 1962, which provides for stringent penalties for smuggling and illegal possession of gold.

This operation is a testament to the vigilance and efficiency of the DRI team in Rajasthan. It serves as a stern warning to those involved in the illegal trade of gold and other precious commodities.

The DRI continues to maintain strict surveillance to prevent smuggling activities and protect the country’s economic security.

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