Modi Accuses Congress of Religious Appeasement at Morena Rally

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the Vijay Sankalp Rally in Morena, Madhya Pradesh, launched a scathing attack on the Congress party, accusing it of resorting to religious appeasement tactics.

In his impassioned speech, Modi claimed, “These (Congress) people are again using religious appeasement as a pawn.” He singled out the Congress government in Karnataka, alleging that it had declared all members of the Muslim community in the state as Other Backward Classes (OBC). According to Modi, this move resulted in the dilution of benefits for the existing OBC community, as resources previously allocated to them were diverted to the newly included Muslim community members.

The Prime Minister’s remarks at the Vijay Sankalp Rally underscored his contention that the Congress party was exploiting religious sentiments for political gain. He accused the Congress of prioritizing identity politics over genuine social welfare initiatives.

The Vijay Sankalp Rally serves as a crucial platform for the BJP to rally support for its policies while critiquing the opposition.

Modi’s speech is expected to spark debates and discussions, particularly regarding the Congress party’s approach to minority communities and its impact on social harmony and equity. As political tensions escalate, citizens will closely monitor the reactions from opposition quarters, especially concerning issues related to identity politics and social justice.

The Prime Minister’s impassioned address not only energizes the party base but also reinforces the BJP’s narrative of governance centered on meritocracy and equitable development. With elections on the horizon, such pointed criticisms are poised to shape the contours of political discourse in the days ahead.

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