Modi Slams Congress for Alleged Neglect of National Interests in Morena Rally Speech

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, addressing the Vijay Sankalp Rally in Morena, Madhya Pradesh, delivered a blistering critique of the Congress party, accusing it of prioritizing personal interests over the welfare of the nation.

In a passionate address, Modi declared, “For the BJP, the nation reigns supreme. But for the Congress, it’s family first.” He lambasted the Congress for allegedly sidelining individuals who had made significant contributions, worked tirelessly, and dedicated themselves to the country’s betterment.

Modi pointedly highlighted the issue of One Rank-One Pension (OROP) to illustrate Congress’ purported disregard for the demands of the armed forces. He asserted, “Congress’ policy is to push aside those who make substantial contributions, hard work, and dedication for the country.” Modi emphasized that his government swiftly addressed the longstanding demand for OROP upon assuming office.

The Prime Minister’s remarks at the Vijay Sankalp Rally underscored the stark contrast between the BJP’s commitment to national interest and what he portrayed as the Congress’ self-serving agenda.

The Vijay Sankalp Rally serves as a critical platform for the BJP to rally support for its policies while critiquing the opposition.

Modi’s speech is expected to ignite political discourse, particularly regarding the differing priorities of the BJP and Congress. As political tensions escalate, citizens will closely monitor the reactions from opposition quarters, especially concerning issues related to national security and welfare.

The Prime Minister’s impassioned address not only galvanizes the party faithful but also reinforces the BJP’s narrative of governance centered on the nation’s welfare. With elections looming, such pointed criticisms are poised to shape the trajectory of political debate in the days ahead.

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