PM Modi Accuses Congress of Prioritizing Corruption Over National Interest

In a charged address to the Rajya Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the Congress party, accusing it of perpetuating a culture of corruption and hindering India’s progress. Modi’s speech highlighted a stark contrast between his government’s developmental agenda and what he termed as Congress’s ‘Save the Corrupt Andolan’.

“Congress is obsessed with ‘Save the Corrupt Andolan’ while neglecting India’s development,” Modi declared. He admonished Congress leaders for their alleged misuse of governmental agencies for political vendettas and urged them to introspect on their actions before casting accusations.

The Prime Minister defended his administration’s record, citing initiatives aimed at economic growth, infrastructure development, and social welfare as evidence of his government’s commitment to national advancement.

The parliamentary session witnessed intense exchanges and partisan debates, underscoring deep-seated ideological divisions between the ruling BJP and the opposition Congress. Modi’s address set the stage for heightened political discourse as parties gear up for upcoming elections.

Modi’s critique of Congress’s alleged corruption practices is expected to resonate among voters, shaping public opinion and electoral dynamics in the run-up to the polls. The forthcoming parliamentary deliberations are likely to be pivotal in defining the political narrative and influencing voter sentiment in India’s democratic landscape.

As India navigates through a critical phase of electoral scrutiny, parliamentary sessions will serve as a crucial arena for debating governance issues and shaping policies that impact the country’s future trajectory.

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