PM Modi Assumes Office for the Third Time, Emphasizes Collective Effort

New Delhi, India – In his first address to the officials of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) after assuming office for the third time, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the collective effort that goes into governance.

“When it comes to the Government, it is not just Modi alone,” the Prime Minister said, highlighting the collaborative nature of his administration. “There are thousands of minds that are connected to him, thousands of brains that are working on this, thousands of arms that are working on this.”

The Prime Minister’s comments underscored his belief in the power of collective action and teamwork. He stressed that the success of his administration was not due to his efforts alone, but the result of the hard work and dedication of thousands of individuals working towards a common goal.

“As a result of this grand form, even the common man gets to meet its capabilities,” PM Modi added, suggesting that the collective efforts of his team have a direct impact on the lives of ordinary citizens.

This is PM Modi’s third term in office, a testament to his enduring popularity and his party’s strong performance in recent elections. His comments reflect his commitment to inclusive governance and his belief in the power of collective effort.

The Prime Minister’s emphasis on teamwork and collective action is expected to set the tone for his third term in office. As the country faces numerous challenges, from economic recovery to public health, the importance of collective effort and collaboration has never been more critical.

PM Modi’s comments serve as a reminder that effective governance is a collective effort, requiring the dedication and hard work of thousands of individuals. As he begins his third term in office, the Prime Minister has made it clear that he believes in the power of teamwork and the potential of the Indian people.

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