PM Modi Criticizes Nehru Legacy and Congress in Haryana Address

In a scathing address at a public gathering in Haryana’s Bhiwani, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a verbal assault on the Nehru-Gandhi family and the Congress party, accusing them of undermining the Indian military and exploiting the issue of One Rank One Pension (OROP) for political gains.

PM Modi referenced the 1962 Indo-China war, recalling the criticism faced by the military leadership under then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s tenure. “In 1962, when the bubble of Pandit Nehru’s aura burst and we faced defeat at the hands of China, the Congress blamed our military for it,” Modi asserted, attributing the party’s rhetoric to a persistent effort to disparage India’s armed forces.

Continuing his tirade, Modi accused the Nehru-Gandhi family of perpetuating a narrative that undermines the military’s contributions. “That family even today keeps looking for opportunities to demean our military,” he claimed, insinuating a sustained campaign of disparagement.

The Prime Minister then turned his attention to the issue of OROP, a longstanding demand of retired armed forces personnel for equal pension benefits. He accused the Congress of exploiting the sentiment of veterans by promising OROP implementation. Modi alleged that the Congress resorted to token gestures, such as throwing currency notes, to placate veterans without genuine commitment.

Modi’s remarks were laden with political overtones, as he portrayed his government as the true champion of military interests. “What it means to implement OROP, they (Congress) didn’t understand. We came and implemented OROP properly,” Modi asserted, drawing a contrast between his administration’s actions and the purported tokenism of his political rivals.

The Prime Minister’s speech in Haryana underscores the enduring political significance of national security and military welfare in Indian politics. By directly targeting the Nehru-Gandhi family and the Congress, Modi sought to reinforce his government’s image as a defender of military dignity and veterans’ rights, while simultaneously seeking to undermine the credibility of his political opponents.

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