PM Modi Highlights Importance of Agriculture in Economic Policy at Public Gathering

Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the pivotal role of agriculture in India’s economic strategy during a public gathering on Monday. Speaking to a large audience, Modi underscored the significance of small-scale farmers in bolstering the nation’s food security and suggested that India’s agricultural model could offer valuable insights for other developing nations.

“Agriculture is at the center of our economic policy,” Modi declared, highlighting the crucial role that small farmers play in India’s agricultural sector. He pointed out that nearly ninety percent of Indian families have limited land, yet these small-scale farmers are instrumental in ensuring the country’s food security.

Modi’s remarks reflect a broader recognition of the challenges faced by small farmers who, despite their limited resources, contribute significantly to the nation’s agricultural output. His statement also underscores the government’s commitment to supporting these farmers through various policy measures and initiatives.

In his address, Modi drew parallels between India and other developing countries in Asia, noting that similar challenges are faced by small farmers across the region. He suggested that India’s agricultural practices and policies could serve as a model for these countries, potentially aiding them in overcoming their own food security challenges.

The Prime Minister’s comments come at a time when agriculture remains a key focus of India’s economic policy, with ongoing efforts to enhance productivity, sustainability, and support for small farmers. By positioning India’s agricultural approach as a potential blueprint for other developing nations, Modi aims to foster international cooperation and share best practices that could benefit a wider audience.

The address was met with a positive response from the public, many of whom appreciate the government’s attention to the needs of small-scale farmers. As India continues to navigate its agricultural policies, the Prime Minister’s vision for a globally relevant model underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing food security challenges worldwide.

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