PM Modi Highlights Importance of Parliamentary Conduct Amidst Recent Developments

Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a thought-provoking address in Parliament, emphasizing the significance of maintaining decorum and integrity within legislative sessions. Reflecting on recent events, PM Modi underscored the repercussions of crossing boundaries of parliamentary conduct.

“When immaturity transcends limits, it ensnares everyone in Parliament. When it loses its boundaries, it casts glances within the chambers,” PM Modi expressed, urging for heightened awareness among lawmakers.

PM Modi’s remarks come at a critical juncture amidst debates over parliamentary decorum and ethical conduct. His emphasis on the responsibilities inherent in parliamentary democracy aims to foster a culture of mutual respect and productive discourse among lawmakers.

Political leaders and commentators responded to PM Modi’s address, acknowledging the importance of upholding the dignity and norms of parliamentary proceedings. The call for introspection resonated across party lines, highlighting the collective responsibility to preserve the sanctity of democratic institutions.

As India continues its legislative deliberations, discussions on reinforcing parliamentary ethics and promoting constructive engagement are poised to shape ongoing national discourse.

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