PM Modi Highlights Improved Security in Public Rally at Latur, Maharashtra

Maharashtra – Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while addressing a public rally in Latur, Maharashtra, drew attention to the significant improvements in national security since he took office in 2014.

“Before 2014, there would be announcements warning of unattended objects. In the whole country, 24 hours a day, such warnings were issued in important places,” the Prime Minister said, recalling the state of affairs prior to his tenure.

He then posed a rhetorical question to the audience, “Where did these unattended objects disappear after Modi became Prime Minister?” The implication was clear – the frequency of such warnings has drastically reduced, indicating an improvement in the security situation.

The Prime Minister further highlighted the stark contrast between the pre-2014 era and the present day. “Newspapers had headlines informing about bomb blasts every other day,” he said, referring to the past. “But today, India can protect its borders well.”

The statements made by the Prime Minister underscore the government’s commitment to national security and its success in significantly reducing the threat of unattended objects and bomb blasts that once plagued the country.

The rally in Latur was part of the Prime Minister’s ongoing efforts to connect with the citizens, understand their concerns, and communicate the achievements of his administration. The focus on improved security resonated with the audience, reaffirming their faith in the government’s ability to ensure the safety and well-being of the nation’s citizens.

The Prime Minister’s remarks at the rally have sparked a renewed sense of confidence among the people, reinforcing the belief that under his leadership, India is becoming a safer place to live. His words served as a reminder of the progress made in the past decade and a promise of continued dedication to the cause of national security.

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