PM Modi Urges Restoration of Parliamentary Decorum Amidst Disruptions

Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a poignant address in Parliament today, urging for the restoration of decorum amidst recent disruptions. Drawing an analogy, he remarked, “The scenes witnessed yesterday in the House resemble a child returning home in tears, alleging mistreatment while concealing their own misdeeds.”

PM Modi emphasized the importance of responsible conduct and mutual respect among parliamentarians to uphold the sanctity of parliamentary democracy. His remarks highlighted concerns over the decline in decorum and ethical standards during legislative sessions.

Political leaders and analysts echoed PM Modi’s call for introspection, stressing the need for constructive dialogue and adherence to parliamentary norms. They underscored the significance of fostering an environment conducive to meaningful debate and ethical governance.

As India navigates these challenges, discussions on reinforcing parliamentary ethics and promoting accountability are expected to shape ongoing national discourse and legislative reforms.

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