PM Narendra Modi Addresses Public Rally in Saharanpur

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a public rally in Saharanpur, reflected on his journey and the transformation of the country over the past decade.

“Ten years ago, I came to Saharanpur for an election meeting. At that time, the country was going through a period of great despair and crisis,” Modi recalled. He had then promised the people that he would not let the country bow down, a promise he believes he has kept.

Modi expressed his gratitude towards the people for their unwavering support and blessings. “You left no stone unturned in your blessings and I left no stone unturned in my hard work,” he said.

The Prime Minister emphasized his commitment to turning despair into hope and hope into faith. This, he believes, has been possible due to the relentless efforts of his government and the unwavering faith of the people.

Modi’s speech was met with applause from the crowd, reflecting the people’s trust in his leadership. As the country continues to navigate through various challenges, the Prime Minister’s words serve as a reminder of the resilience and determination that have defined the nation’s journey over the past decade.

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