PM Narendra Modi’s Rally in Bengaluru: A Call for Vigilance

In a recent public rally held in Bengaluru, Karnataka, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his concerns over the current state of affairs in the region. He highlighted the dangerous ideology being promoted by the Congress government in Karnataka and urged the citizens to remain vigilant.

A Dangerous Ideology

PM Modi pointed out that the ideology being propagated by the Congress government in Karnataka is not just concerning but dangerous. He did not mince words as he expressed his apprehensions about the potential repercussions of such an ideology on the social fabric of the state.

Rising Incidents of Violence

The Prime Minister drew attention to the increasing incidents of violence in the state. He mentioned that our daughters are being attacked, bombs are exploding in markets, and people are being targeted for listening to religious songs. These incidents, he emphasized, are not common and should not be treated as such.

A Plea for Alertness

In light of these events, PM Modi made a fervent plea to his brothers and sisters in Karnataka. He urged them to stay alert and be aware of the actions of the Congress government. His message was clear – the safety and security of the citizens are of paramount importance, and they must not let their guard down.


The rally served as a platform for PM Modi to voice his concerns about the current political climate in Karnataka. His words were a call to action for the citizens – to remain vigilant, to question the dangerous ideology being promoted, and to ensure the safety and security of all. It remains to be seen how the citizens of Karnataka will respond to this call for vigilance.

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