Prime Minister Modi Criticizes MVA Government Over Farming Issues in Marathwada

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a public meeting held in Parbhani, Maharashtra, voiced his concerns over the farming issues in the Marathwada region. He criticized the Congress and the Maharashtra Vikas Aghadi (MVA) for their lack of understanding of the farmers’ troubles.

“The entire area of Marathwada is of farming. Black cotton, soybean and jowar bajra are important sources of income,” said the Prime Minister, highlighting the significance of agriculture in the region. However, he expressed his disappointment with the Congress and MVA, stating that they “did not understand your troubles.”

The Prime Minister pointed out that the biggest challenge in the area is irrigation. He recalled that during the tenure of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government, the Jalyukt Shivar Scheme was launched to address this issue. The scheme aimed at making Maharashtra a drought-free state by 2019 by improving soil moisture in farms and rejuvenating water bodies.

However, Modi expressed his discontentment over the discontinuation of the scheme by the MVA government. “The MVA stopped this scheme,” he said, expressing his concern over the impact of this decision on the farmers of Marathwada.

The Prime Minister’s remarks come at a time when the farming sector is facing numerous challenges. His comments have sparked a new debate on the effectiveness of the policies implemented by the MVA government in addressing these issues.

The MVA government is yet to respond to the Prime Minister’s comments. The farming community and the citizens of Maharashtra now await their response.

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