Prime Minister Modi to Embark on Gujarat and Rajasthan Visit, Inaugurate Projects Worth Over Rs 85,000 Crores

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to visit Gujarat and Rajasthan on 12th March, where he will dedicate to the nation and lay the foundation stone of various developmental projects worth over Rs 85,000 crores, according to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

The Prime Minister’s visit will commence in Gujarat, where he will visit the Sabarmati Ashram. Here, he will inaugurate the Kochrab Ashram and launch the Master Plan of the Gandhi Ashram Memorial. The Sabarmati Ashram, a significant landmark in India’s freedom struggle, is set to witness a new chapter with these initiatives.

Following his visit to the Ashram, Prime Minister Modi will proceed to Rajasthan. In Pokhran, he will witness ‘Bharat Shakti’, a synergized demonstration of indigenous defence capabilities. This demonstration will take the form of a Tri-Services Live Fire and Manoeuvre Exercise, showcasing the strength and prowess of India’s defence forces.

The PMO highlighted that these visits and initiatives underscore the government’s commitment to the nation’s development and defence. The developmental projects, in particular, are expected to provide a significant boost to the local economies of Gujarat and Rajasthan, creating jobs and fostering growth.

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