Prime Minister Narendra Modi Reflects on National Security Evolution in Parbhani Public Meeting

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a public meeting in Parbhani, Maharashtra, took the audience down memory lane, reflecting on the evolution of national security discussions in India.

“In 2014, when I was contesting the Lok Sabha elections for the first time, the topics of discussion were quite different,” Modi began. He recalled that the media landscape was dominated by reports of terrorist attacks and daily news of bomb blasts. The nation was gripped by a palpable fear of cross-border terrorism.

Fast forward five years to 2019, and the narrative had dramatically shifted. The Prime Minister noted that discussions of cross-border attacks had ceased. Instead, the focus was now on India’s proactive measures against terrorism. The phrase ‘Yeh toh Modi hai ghar mein ghus kar marega’ (This is Modi, he will strike in their own house) became emblematic of this new era of national security.

The Prime Minister’s reflections highlight the significant transformation in India’s approach to national security over the past decade. From a reactive stance characterized by fear and uncertainty, the country has moved towards a proactive strategy, marked by surgical strikes and a strong resolve to protect its sovereignty.

The shift in narrative, as pointed out by Modi, underscores the government’s commitment to safeguarding the nation and its citizens from the threat of terrorism. It also serves as a reminder of the journey India has embarked on, from a nation under siege to a country that is ready to take the fight to the enemy’s doorstep.

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